Sunday, August 23, 2009

Puasa's games

Roller Coaster Kingdom

Farm Ville

1st day Ramadhan 1430H

22 August 2009- 1st Ramadan 1430H


Went to Damansara Specialist Hospital visited Bahrin's mom with Hanah, she has a liver problem. Bahrin's mom cant eat anything but just have to alas perot with raw dates. His mom did give us the dates just a taste for break our fast for today.

The yellow raw dates

For me & b, buka posa from home made cooking.

wooot woot
Sontong candat gulai kari pedas (masakan terengganu)

Ikan Kembong masak singgang resepi Mama Kembang
(sehingga suami hirup satu mangkok)

Sayur sawi bebola ayam goreng
(gambar d atas di ambil setelah abis buka, lebihan utk sahur)

Jajan selepas terawih dkt masjid belakang umah

My blessed green t for sahur

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

130 cats??!!!

OMG, are you kidding me? I'm not sure enuff if i can handle this by myself. But i do wish i could have Pet Day Care one fine day.

Just a phase

Wahai Boyd, alangkah bagus jika anda memakai kilt yg stylo. Haii Boyd kamu nampak hensem (berangan sendri).

Alangkah sedapnye tona lengguk suara mu itu kalu buleh di buat ngaji atau taranum.

Wooee did I heard " I wana F you" in this clip?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Selamat 1 Ogos 2009

Hai sekejapnye masa berlalu, tibe2 je dah hari sabtu 1 Ogos..pasni 22 hb danak tiba masa berpuasa selama sebulan. Erkkk time are so precious lately. Rasa cam semakin dekat je. Tak tahu nak coretkan ape tapi tu la rasa cam merepek aja ade lani. Ok ok..