Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cuti Raya Cina 2009

Hrmm tak de wat ape sangat lately, cume mentua, ipar smua datang ke rumah sebab masing2 ade hal kat KL.. Mama & Abah lik coz nak anta dieorg ke KLIA gi London & Birmingham ade keja. Big ipar lak baby dia nak gi bawa berubat sebab nangis sampai lebam biru muke dia..takut bapaknye bawa balik makhluk halus coz slalu lewat balik umah. Ade anak-anak buah cam toyol..memekak sana sini cam biasa cume tak tahan perangai yg suke meminta & merajuk yg hardcore..anak buah laki tapi merajuk cam mak nenek..sib baik la dah beli hadiah siap2
utk mereka itu.

Cilik E-reng= Budak Itam dalam basa jawa

Dapat hadiah dari Makcik Pakcik dia. Gambar Baby di atas itu adik mereka

Aritu jalan2 masa 26hn Januari cuti raya cina la katakan..tibe-tibe jumpa signboard ni..

Wahaha Brandon Boyd ade buka kedai gambar siot. hehehe

Ding Dong baru teringat aritu ade gerhana matahari bulan dari pukul 4.30-6.30 ptg.agak la mencabar nak amik gambar, sampai juling tengok cahaya terang. Sib baik ade polarizer spek..jelas nampak kekuasaan Allah s.w.t.

owh tak lupe pada yg ini juga...sekian lama tak tgk rainbow..masa nak balik terjadi juga ciptaan Yang Maha Kuasa

Thursday, January 15, 2009

VAIO Pewwwiiitt


  • Genuine Windows Vista Home Basic
  • Intel Atom Processor Z530 (1.60 GHz)
  • SSD 64GB
  • 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM (on board*4)
  • 8" wide (UWXGA: 1600 x 768) TFT colour display
  • RM 3788.00

Babes, Do check out the new Sony VAIO P

wohooooooo i need a kinda of this new gadget so i can be able to move every where..coz I'm simply a online person..hopefully in the future there will be more plenty of this design..

slim design, mobile, trendy

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Lately I've been thinking about my sense of taste on this 2 guys..I've found their similarity in other ways..I love Brandon Lee & Brandon Boyd..I was excited & teruja the character of ERIC DRAVEN by Bradon Lee in the CROW make me meleleh & tangkap cinta..woohooooo lelaki biasa yg cam rockstar, sgt loving pada tunang, badan sgt menggiurkan..fuuhh erghh..& sangat la GOTHIC!! yes GOTHIC..gile la weii..

Brandon Boyd i was fall in love with his voice, art & music composed..1st time i saw him during 1997 in MTV sang Pardon Me, lagi tangkap cinta becoz of the melenggeng & his body yg fit..body lagi yg aku tengok..need to be mentioned Brandon Boyd if he were muslim..i bet he can perform beautifully in mengaji Al-Quran because he do have the 'harkat' yang sangat panjang,, if dia humming pun perhhh wa tangkap lentok lu....

I look some of my collections of Boyds photos that i've been saved, other night i came across about research of Brandon Lee about the Crow movie..rindu weii nak tgk muvie tu balik..Did some research bout Lee zaaappp suddenly i found his real faces a lil a bit like Boyd.

So korek punye korek jumpa la similarity gambo Lee & Boyd ni..hehehehe Gile fanatik rupenye aku pasal Brandon ni..hahahhaa


Mereka berdua ni ade taste yg lebih kurang, rambut pesen pun lebih kurang..body pun vavvavoom,,cume beza mereka ni Lee dia dalam arena perfileman & Boyd di arena muzik & seni


Musim ujan pada waktu petang ke malam..abish smua sendi-sendi sejuk..(penyakit keturunan) tapak kaki & tangan sejuk tapi berpeluh,,, tutup kipas beberapa ari ni tido...malas tapi nak wat keja..bila nak wat keja jadik malas.
Hari-hari berdoa supaya buka ati ni nak selesaikan ibadah kerja tapi tak bleh2 ade benda yg ikot saya ni..ntah la..

Nak cepat abish selesai keja tapi ade je tapi tapi tapi tapi dan tapi..ntah la kin semangat dah luntur kot..terperap dalam satu kawasan yg gelap..otak jadik gelap, sosial pun kurang..hiburkan diri pun kurang..

Ntahh laaa weiiiii...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Brandon Boyd

My name is Brandon Boyd. I am a Los Angeles native, a Vegan sympathizer, an artist by day and come nightfall I sing in a band called Incubus.

I am suspicious of religion, advertising and know-it-alls. My teeth will one day fall out from overconsumption of licorice. My closest friend on the Earth is a dog from France.

I sleep diagonally until I have company, then I sleep lengthwise. I am straight, yet I adore sparkling mineral water. I have a bionic right leg as a result of a freak gardening accident. My right eye goes lazy after about 3am. If you feed me after midnight, I multiply.

My name, when translated literally, means 'Broom-Hill' which I find horrifyingly exotic. I live in an old building that at one point in the 1900's was a working brothel. As a result, the ghosts of under paid and over worked prostitutes roam my hallways. So, there is a lingering smell of cheap perfume on the second story of my home after 3am, which might explain my occasional lazy eye.

I am allergic to milk and as a result have never had an ice cream party. You may have just heard the sounds of very small violins playing behind that last comment, but don't feel bad for me; I have sorbet parties at every Equinox and spend about half a day thereafter happily cleaning the 'sticky' out of my fingernails. My right knee is named Chet and my left is Garrison. Everything I wear once belonged to someone else with the specific exception of socks and underpants.

I am quite certain that in the above rant/ Myspace 'About Me' section there is a sizable window for you curious and or skeptical observers to peer through. I have always cringed at the thought of describing myself and my multiplying creative endeavors, but it seems as time wears on, that the personal 'Bio' is a necessary evil in the vast catacombs of the "I wish I didn't have to, buts..." of our strange culture. So with that veiled apology out of the way, I shall now recall (for those who desire to know more) a not so brief remembrance of my time in art thus far...

The first piece of art I can remember is actually now hanging in my kitchen. It is a self portrait my Mother did while she was in Art School. She was very pregnant with my older brother and thought it would be funny to paint herself as the Virgin Mary. So this painting, for all it's cracked and aging beauty, looks very pious and intimidating. It hung in the guest bedroom of my Grandfather's house that my brothers and I would bunk in when staying there. On more than three occasions, I woke in the middle of the night and saw the eyes of this painting alive and looking down at me! My Mother ( the Virgin Mary) in a very ominous voice would say, "Go back to sleep, Brandon!"

I started scribbling in very small pads with very small pencils as a child. I have since been scaling up exponentially. In Medium, content and size. As my mind grows, so do my sights on what is possible creatively. This has allowed me to reach into pen-ink, paint, pencil, photography, music, literature and lifestyle. All of which are as important as the next.

The kinds of art that have stood out to me have never really followed any particular pattern. I guess my eyes and my heart gravitate towards unusual, dark, absurd, sincere and beautiful works. I obsess over line work and flow.

I have no formal training; other than a few semesters at community college and some classes at the YMCA. I would very much like to return to school in the near future and absorb the myriad different techniques I have been missing out on! That being said, I was raised in a creative environment, and that does wonders for a young person's mind.

I have always had a hard time in describing my creative style. I find the same dilemma when asked what type of music I play. But if I had to, I would say that I am doing my best to turn my mind inside out and see what it looks like framed. ;) Once you get past the gooey bits and the debris, there is the occasional sparkly gem that glows like the edges of Barbara Walters in one of her interviews.

My creative process is both complex and simple. The complexities arise when I try and understand what I am doing when I am doing it. It's like trying to describe the sensation of love; one is better suited just experiencing it for oneself. But it becomes simple when I let go into the process and don't question it so much. Kind of a surrender into right brian, as it were. But for clarity's sake, I have waves of creativity, followed by times of drought. In these times, I have learned that just reading, listening to music, and surfing a whole lot help to pass the time before the next creative pulse arises. It's been this way in my life for as long as I can remember.

I work predominately out of my kitchen. It looks like a kitchen, but it's actually...well, a kitchen. Things are cooked there, and things are consumed. But just as much paint is thrown into amorphous abstractions onto paper and canvas that reveal my inner perv and my longing for contact with extraterrestrial intelligences (not to be confused with one another) as there is corn chowder stirred and swallowed!

I like to allow any and all influence into my world. Cultural or geographic. Political, or emotional. As far as I am concerned, anything is game. I find that large parts of my work are observational in the sense that I am merely living as I chose and the art, in whatever form it takes, is the unconscious filter of my experience.

I think that to live a life of expressivity is paramount. To me it is the embodiment of freedom. I don't have a particularly specific statement that I am trying to convey; like the Romantic's Manifesto, or something akin. I am more interested in existing in a continual state of creativity. To be able to see the art in every occurrence. To find beauty in the mundane and in the otherwise trite and or trivial. My life, as it were, is not unlike one of my drawings; a continually evolving, bulbous, mass of thought, after-thought, absurdity, intention and enthusiasm. Scribbled happily in ink without pencil lines and signed at the bottom.

I am currently working on a new series of paintings on canvas in acrylic that I will have no idea how to talk about until they are hung and dry and my shrink is standing back from them with an inquisitive scowl.

I just did a quick proofread of this communication, and I am struck by how often I used the word, "I." To my count, it is repeated 63 times in this glorified Personals Ad. Cheese and Rice! You'd think I was a fucking rock star with these levels of self absorption.

Fuck it. I think that'll do for now. If anybody has anymore questions beyond art, music, haunted paintings, relevance, used clothes, literature, tiny pencils on tiny pads of paper, heartbreak, disillusionment, love, death, addiction, leather goods, lactose intolerance, the future, optimism, nihilism, idealism, plagiarism, environmentalism and the smell of turpentine, please don't Google my name or ask your "friend who knows about music". Call me at your Mom's house, I'll be there having a sorbet party on March 20th.

Your friend and lover,
Brandon Boyd

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tikus sayang kan kucing

Uishh ajaib tikus pun boleh nak bersama-sama dengan kucing dan saling sayang menyayangi..kita manusia...bagaimana? Ambil la iktibar atas serangan GAZA...Palestin isu. Masyallah Semoga Allah jauhi bencana itu terhadap kita.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kena serang lagi


Hai ape la nasib si anak bulu ini aritu dah kena serang+jahit kat bahagian anal & ekor 2 bulan lepas..dah kena balik..ade kucing jalanan dah terkam ini anak bulu yg baik & tak reti gado. Nama yg kena serang ni Nyut-Nyut (Hanyut) sebab dulu masa kecik2 jalan o lari senget ke tepi cam hanyut la..

Asal si Nyut2 ni kucing jalanan bersama Ibu nye nama Chi-chi. Chi-chi slalu dtg umah makan dan lepak2 tak nah buat hal..sungguh baik kucing tumpangan itu..menumpang makan, tido, kasih sayang. 3 buah rumah bagi dia makan for free..untung sungguh Chi-Chi pada masa itu. Chi-chi ni berkawan ngn my cat nama Ichigo (arwah). Siap main kejar2 depan padang. One day Chi-chi pregnant, cam biasa la bagi makan ape smua..lalu dia beranak di umah jiran yg bagi dia makan.
Lahir ade 3 eko anak yg seko cam dia, seko putih & seko ni la Nyut2. Last2 tinggal Nyut2 (sebelom diberi nama) seko ilang, seko mati.

Dah beso skit Ibunye Chi2 bawa la Nyut2 ke umah jiran satu persatu..bley camtu..last2 umah saya jadik mangsa..sampai satu tahap saya beli makanan utk mereka..pesan kat jiran2 kiri kanan umah siap bekalkan makanan bagi Chi-chi & nyut2 tu makan bile kiteorg away balik kampung..sebab sian..& Chi-chi & Nyut2 behave.

Makin lama makin beso si Nyut2 ni masuk 2 atau 3 bulan..dah Chi-chi bunting balik..saya dah pening...masak aku camni..tapi tak pe la sayang nye pasal oke je. One day Chi-chi cam nak terberanak la saya pun kelam kabut carik kotak sbb dia dah lain macam je..oke dah jumpa kotak tak yah di suruh dia jump dalam kotak duduk diam2..

Nyut2 biasala time tu dok ske tido dlm pasu..(masa tu tak officially jadik my pet). Bior kan Chi-chi setel urusan beranak tu..skali aisey man saya pelik ape benda yg dia deliver skali mak i..rupenye..dia keguguran..muke sedih..hai nampak la janin2 yg tak cukup umur tu..dah suh org kuat saya gi setel janin tu tak sanggup tgk..

Setelah kejadian itu, Chi-chi slalu sgt tinggalkan Nyut2 sorang2 kat umah saya ni, pelik tapi abaikan mula2. Dah tgk dia tak de bawak la Nyut2 masuk umah main ngn Bubu , kucing bute langsung tade bijik mata (arwah juga :( ) citer Bubu tu akan cerita kemudian..Nyut2 bila rindu Ibu Chi2, dia akan gi kat tepi sliding door tgk kot2 ibu dia balik. Bila ibu nye balik, saya lepaskan la.

Ntah one day tu tiba2 Ibu Chi2 bising kat luar pintu nak jumpa anak dia...ok lepaskan Nyut2 biorkan lama utk beberapa jam. Skali saja nak amik angin luar tgk ait Nyut2 ade depan pintu...tanya mana ibu kamu? Nyut2 masa tu baru la umor 2 bulan..muke blur ,hingus meleleh ttau nak jawap ape..hehehe..since that day, Ibu dia tak balik2 jumpa anak dia sampai la dia dah berumor 1 tahun ni.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Suka Suki

Must make my self like this! Muahehhehehehe

U like which one?...I just love the red roses throwing


Horoscope said:-

All of the choices in front of you today might make you feel a bit overwhelmed, but don't panic! If you can keep a cool head, you'll be able to navigate the day just fine. You can't make a decision because you think that someone's losing patience with you.
(the shit happened yesterday)

If you do, you will only end up changing your mind once you learn a few new facts. Take your time in everything you do today. Taking a good, long look might delay your progress, but it will ensure you're going in the right direction.

(I wana go far far away from them)


You shouldn't take any kind of financial risk today -- there's too much uncertainty.

Fuck, I'm about spending something more important here..


Listen carefully to your friends and family today -- they've got more to tell you than they are letting on. You may need to read between the lines somewhat to really get to the heart of it.

(I'm suppose to tell them more than theirself- pppfffttt)

Monday, January 5, 2009


Had a rough night, it's about misunderstanding & miscommunications.
It's almost 11 years i had quarrel with the Lady Boss after time..then i had again..screwed up my mood & spirit. Cry me a river like mad..been mental blocked since a year one will understand what's hapenning to me.

I don't know what I'm trying to do for this moments, I am so tired with my surroundings & personal invitations. I need to go far far far away from them..


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Boyd-Orange tabby

Feel sad, poor you have to be let go from your owner but take my chance to take care of the rest of your soul..Have to be apart from your sister..Iskk and i feeling want to get a dog some day perhaps maybe? I just love working dogs.

Why Dog(s)?

I have no either why but i simply ignore others thought..they just can simply say and make an act..about it..yeah for sure my nawaitu towards animals so strong in other context. Sreww you for those people that dont know how involve animal kingdom..May be last time I've rescued a puppy (cruel neighbour) at the back of my house, I climbed neighbour's wall just to feed the puppy & play with him...wash his poopies..WHAT WASH HIS POOPIES?

I know what you will think of negatively & positively..

The neighbour always away & tie up the puppy with out giving him a breeze walk.

As human being u felt so pissed off of the people doing that..cruel to the animal..


nahh nada nada enuff said..

Saturday, January 3, 2009

How do i get here

I figure out my own.. warrgghhh..

Let say for a starting this is my expression- how lovely her emotions capture-